राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++

Department of English

Name of the department : English
Year of establishment : 1967
Name of Programme/Courses : UG & PG
Interdisciplinary Courses Offered : Core (Compulsory) English, Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course, Generic Elective Courses
No. of Teaching posts sanctioned : 07
No. of Teaching posts filled : 07

Course Structure U.G. Yearly Programme (w.e.f. 2018-19)

Year Paper Code Course Name Credit Course Type
1st ENG CE 101 English-1 Core English (Compulsory for B.A. & B. Com 6 Core Eng. Compulsory
ENG DSC 102 DSC-1A English Literature 1 (Essays, Stories & Poems) 6 Core
ENG DSC 103 DSC-1B English Literature 2 (Poems, Short Stories & Essays) 6 Core
ENG AECC 104 AECC-2 Writing Skills 4 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
2nd ENG CE 201 English-2 Core English (Compulsory for B.A. & B. Com 6 Core Eng. Compulsory
ENG DSC 202 DSC-1C British Literature (Play & Novel) 6 Core
ENG DSC 202 DSC-1D Literary Cross Currents 6 Core
ENG AECC/SEC 204 AECC/SEC-1 Creative writing, Book & Media Reviews 4 Ability Enhancement Elective Courses/Skill Enhancement Courses
ENG AECC/SEC 204 AECC/SEC-2 Translation Studies & Principles of Translation (Basic Concepts & Readings) 4
3rd ENG AEEC/SEC 301 AEEC/SEC-3 Technical Writing 4 Ability Enhancement Elective Courses/Skill Enhancement Courses
ENG AEEC/SEC 302 AEEC/SEC-3 Business Communication 4
ENG DSE 303 DSE-1A Soft Skills 6 Discipline Specific Elective Courses
ENG DSE 304 AEEC/SEC-3 Business Communication 4
ENG GE 305 GE-1 Literature From Himachal 6 Generic Elective Courses
ENG GE 306 GE-2 Contemporary India: Women & Empowerment 6

Name of Programme : (B.A. with English)

General Aims & Objectives :

Following aims & objectives are desired to be achieved by teaching language through literature to students. At the end of this programme students will be able to :

  • Appreciate and understand the various genres of literary and non- literary writing.
  • Read with accurate and appropriate pronunciation, stress, intonation, pause and articulation of voice in consonance with the type of literary passages prescribed in the curriculum.
  • Understand the passage/stanza by silent reading and close analysis.
  • Enrich their active and passive vocabulary and enhance the usage of language structures.
  • Acquire new vocabulary & understand both form & content words.
  • Express the ideas of the passage/stanza orally and in writing as substance, summation and précis as well as to analyse the stylistic features of the passage.
  • Enjoy the subtle nuances and texture of various genres of literature.
  • Develop their imagination and creativity by exposure to a wide variety of literary forms.
  • Have a better engagement with the text thus making them better readers & thinkers.
  • Enjoy reading & writing through creative engagement with the text.
  • Develop the linguistic ability of students & to enhance their critical, analytical & appreciative faculties.

Expected Outcomes of the Program

1.Basic Competencies/skills: (Communication Skills)

The aim of this course is to focus on the four basic language competencies viz. LSRW or Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing. The students learn to communicate by focusing on these basic competencies & they will be able to :

  • Listen effectively in English to understand and learn.
  • Understand and speak the English language fluently with correct accent & pronunciation.

Read, comprehend and use written materials in English, including Graphs, Charts and Displays.
Write effectively in English language for personal or professional purposes.

2.Cognitive Skills :

The focus of entire course is to enable a holistic development of the students by providing them a series of academic experiences to promote their growth. Following cognitive skills are expected to be acquired by the students :

  • Act logically to evaluate situations, solve problems and make decisions.
  • Novelty, creativity, critical & analytical thinking along with academic excellence.
  • Access and apply specialized knowledge from the field of literature.
  • Interest in linguistic & aesthetics aspects of the language.
  • Enhance their vision through exposure to diverse cultures, traditions and literary creations.

3. Personal Management Skills

These skills define our relationships with others & how we approach our life & work. On completion of this programme the students will be able to acquire & demonstrate :

  • Positive Attitudes and Behaviors.
  • High Self-esteem and confidence.

• Honesty, integrity and personal ethics.

  • A positive attitude toward learning, growth and personal health.

Initiative, energy and persistence.
• The ability to set goals and priorities in work and personal life.
• The ability to plan and manage time, money and other resources to achieve goals & accountability for actions taken.


  • A positive attitude toward change.
  • Recognition of and respect for people's diversity and individual differences.
  • The ability to identify and suggest new ideas to get the job done-creativity

4. Teamwork Skills

  • Understand and contribute to the team goals
  • Understand and work within the culture of the group
  • Plan and make decisions with others and support the outcomes
  • Respect the thoughts and opinions of others in the group
  • Exercise "give and take" to achieve group result

Course Specific Objectives :

1. Discipline Specific Core (DSC) courses aim to cover the basics that a student is expected to imbibe in this discipline and hence to familiarise the students with different genres of writing.
2.Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) courses are advanced courses which provide an extended scope to explore other domains and nurture the students' skills.
3.Skill Enhancement (SEC) courses are value based courses that aim to provide hands on training to hone the skills & competencies.
4.Generic Elective (GE) courses are interdisciplinary and provide exposure to students of other disciplines who opt to study these courses in English thereby broadening the scope of learning.


Year Course Expected Outcomes
BA-1st Year DSC-1A & 1B These courses have a collection of essays, short stories and poems under the theme of ‘The Individual & Society’ & ‘Cultural Diversity, Linguistic Plurality & Literary Traditions in India’. After going through this course the students are expected to:
Know & understand how caste, race , class , gender & war affect the individual & learn about the vibrant cultural diversity of India.
Understand the role of colonial exploitation & cross cultural encounters through globalization.
Appreciate the role of folk tales & oral literature in popular culture through exposure to various cultural diversities & linguistic traditions. Analyze the complex relationship between literature and other disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science.
Learn & appreciate the universal nature of human experience across the world in a global scenario.
Comprehend how literature can make a sense of the world through the use of myth, metaphor, fictional characters, irony & rhyme.
Compare & analyze the writers different/similar in their themes, styles and techniques in different genres.
BA-2nd Year DSC-1C & 1D ‘British Literature’ has Novel & Drama from the British Literature of Sixteenth & Nineteenth century, while ‘Literary Cross currents’ includes poems & short stories from Modern Indian Literature. On completion of these courses , the students are expected to :
Be acquainted with the concept of genres of Drama and Novel and the similarities and differences between these literary forms of literature.
Understand the concepts of plot, characterization, theme and familiarity with literary devices and techniques for comprehensive understanding and appreciation of literary texts.
Acquire knowledge of cultural, religious and social life of Europe and England of sixteenth & nineteenth century – two of the greatest periods of literary history in the field of drama & novel respectively.
Be Familiarized with the works of Indian writers & enhance their understanding of the native literature & ethnic cultural values.
Empathize with the condition of marginalized sections of society & be inspired to develop an unbiased approach towards them.
BA-2nd Year AEEC / SEC 1 & 2 These courses titled as; ‘Creative Writing’ & ‘Translation Studies & Principles of Translation’ aim to sharpen the writing skills of the students & enhance their understanding of the nuances of translation theory. They form the strong foundation for pursuing higher studies and to engage in careers with creative abilities. On completion of these courses, the students are expected to:
Develop analytical reading habits through book review, knowledge of literary devices etc. and be ready to take up research as a career option in future.
Appreciate the richness & variety of Indian literature and explore its uniqueness.
Understand translation, its purpose, various approaches & methods of translation and problems of translation.
Realize the historical, cultural and social contexts in Indian English literature
To understand the role of Indian literature in highlighting the cultural identities & their multi faceted nature.
BA-3rd Year DSE-1A & 1B The two courses, ‘Soft Skills’ & ‘Academic Writing & Composition’ aim to hone the soft skills of the students & enhance their understanding of the nuances of academic writing. After completion of these courses, the students are expected to:
Be acquainted with the desirable personal attributes which would enhance their interaction, career prospects and job performance.
Know & understand the difference between EQ and IQ and how they can use their soft skills in combination with their academic/technical expertise for better career prospects.
Improve the language skills required for effective communication.
BA-3rd Year AEEC / SEC 3 & 4 These courses, ‘Technical Writing’ & ‘Business Communication’ are designed to develop an understanding of the process of technical writing covering its various forms such as; Basic Research methodology as well as Manuals, Memo , Agenda etc.‘ Business Communication’ focuses on the entire process of communication in a professional setup. After completion of these courses, the students are expected to:
Know & understand the basics of research methodology
Learn about ‘format organization’ and contents of a project report.
Prepare & present project report independently.
Master the art & skill of effective communication by enhancing their linguistic skills.
3rd Year (BA/BCom.) Generic Elective (GE-1 & GE-2) These courses titled as; ‘Literature from Himachal’ & ‘Contemporary India – Women & Empowerment’. ‘Literature from Himachal’ introduces the students to the rich & diverse folk/written Literature of Himachal Pradesh. ‘Contemporary India – Women & Empowerment’ interrogates the biases in the construction of gender & patriarchal norms. After completion of these courses, the students are expected to:
Widen their understanding of literature, through oral narratives transcending generations.
Establish the relationship between folklore and oral narratives and culture of Himachal.
Understand and appreciate folklore that keeps alive the psychological patterns instincts or archetypes of the collective mind of a community.
Understand how a gendered perspective is responsible for many evils prevalent in the society.
BA / BCom. 1st & 2nd Year Core English : (Compulsory ) Compulsory courses are designed to familiarize the students of B.A. & B.Com. Classes with the basics of English language & applied grammar. After completion of these courses, the students are expected to:
Be initiated into the world of literature and develop an awareness and broad understanding of rich diversity of culture, tradition and beliefs practiced across the globe.
Acquire basic understanding and develop appreciation for various literary forms, i.e. poetry, essays, short stories along with literary forms and techniques used in literature.
Enhance their ability to read literature in English with good understanding and reflect over texts from different perspectives.
Know & understand how the grammar rules, phrases and vocabulary can be reinforced through reading text.
BA/B.Com/BSc. 1st Year AECC (Writing Skills) This course is designed to expose students to various forms of writing both formal & informal to further develop their writing skills to be able to use these skills in their personal as well as professional life. After completion of these courses, the students are expected:
To know & understand o the basics of writing process.
To write, precisely and effectively,
To enhance their spoken, and listening abilities, to assist them in confidently facing interviews and finding jobs.
To speak, comprehend, read and write relatively simple texts such as paragraphs, letters, diary entry etc.

Master of Arts in English

This programme is designed to provide a sound base to the students in English language by exposing them to a wide range of literature, with options for specialization in English literature. It also helps to develop a sound understanding of English, American, and Indian English Literatures. The students study a variety of texts which enables them to acquire a good knowledge of reading comprehension and reading/writing skills in addition to the growth of their higher cognitive abilities like critical & analytical thinking.

The Master of Arts in English is helpful in making career in the field of;
  • Teaching
  • Translation
  • Media and Journalism
  • Publishing Houses
  • Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Arts
  • Language
  • Communication
  • Writing

Programme Structure

Semester Subject Code Paper Title Marks
1st Semester Course I History of English Literature from Chaucer to 1800 75
Course II Poetry from Chaucer to Pope: 75
Course III Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 75
Course IV Nineteenth Century Fiction 75
2nd Semester Course V History of English Literature: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 75
Course VI Romantic and Victorian Poetry 75
Course VII Modern Fiction 75
Course VIII Growth and Structure of English Language 75
3rd Semester Course IX Literary Criticism from Aristotle to T.S. Eliot 75
Course X Modern British and American Poetry 75
Course XI Modern British Drama 75
Course XII World Fiction 75
4th Semester Course XIII Contemporary Literary Theory 75
Course XIV American Drama / African / Australian / Canadian Literature 75
Course XV Indian Writing in English 75
Course XVI Indian Writing in Translation OR Literature and Gender 75

Expected Outcomes of the Programme

Course/Genre Course/Genre
History of English literature Upon completion of course the students will be to :
  • Know about the major literary genres of each age, like poetry, prose and drama, their major proponents & the notable works published during that period.
  • Know & understand not only writer’s life and thoughts but also the spirit of the age and the nation’s history.
  • Analyse important events and social conditions in each period, as well as literary epochs.
  • Study each genre and writer in the context of their times to show how prevalent trends, events and circumstances affected the works of that era.
  • Trace the development of the English literary canon in terms of complexity.
  • Appreciate how literature has developed steadily from simple ballads and stories to its present form
Poetry Upon completion of these courses the students will be able :
  • To understand the key ideas and peculiar qualities of the poetry of prominent poets of different periods.
  • To know & understand various kind of verse forms , styles, techniques and structures in poetry.
  • To analyse poetry and understand its finer nuances and study the trends in the development of modern British and American poetry.
  • To analyze the various elements of poetry, such as diction, tone, form, genre, imagery, figures of speech, symbolism, theme, etc.
  • To develop a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity by introducing them to poetry from a variety of cultures throughout the world.
  • To appreciate poetry and develop their aesthetic sense.
  • To study & critically analyse the poets who are representative of their age and genre and to stimulate their interest in the linguistic and aesthetic aspects of their works.
Drama Upon completion of these courses the students will be able to
  • Read dramatic scripts & understand the main ideas & details mentioned in them.
  • Know about the basic parts of play such as; stage, plot , structure, climax etc.
  • Understand various types of drama viz. Tragedy, Comedy, Farce, Melodrama & Historical Plays.
  • Acquire thinking skills to make critical & rational judgments.
  • Demonstrate that they are familiar the theatrical conventions, ideas, and theatrical movements important in the formation of our contemporary theatrical view.
  • Understand the origins and development of British theatre & be able to use theatre as an investigative tool in discovering British Culture.
Fiction Upon completion of these courses, the students will be able to
  • Recognise the elements of fiction – Narrative Technique, Setting, Point of view & Style.
  • Appreciate the genre of fiction & trace the growth of English fiction.
  • Acquaint themselves with British & non British Fiction.
  • Interpret fictional text from different viewpoints & appreciate literature’s ability to stimulate feelings.
  • Understand the social, historical and political backgrounds of the world of the novelists.
  • Get knowledge of the stylistic strategies employed by various writers & use ideas from these texts in their own reading/writing
Growth & Structure of English language At the end of course, the students are expected to develop :
  • Recognition of the major stages in the evolution of language and important changes in the development of English from a synthetic to an analytic language.
  • An understanding of how the current state of the English language has resulted from historical change.
  • Knowledge of the phonological and morphological structure of modern English
Indian Writing in English Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
  • Know & understand the major movements & writers of Indian Literature in English.
  • Analyse various themes, concerns, genres & trends of Indian writing in English.
  • Appreciate the diverse & pluralistic nature of Indian Culture & Identity.
Indian Writing in Translation The students, after going through this course will be able to :
  • The students, after going through this course will be able to :
  • Develop a comparative insight of Indian Writing through the study of translated works.
  • Appreciate the varied & multifarious nature of Indian writings
Literary Crticism from Aristotle to T.S. Eliot The students are expected to :
  • Understand the meaning & significance of literary criticism.
  • Know about the origin & evolution of Literary Crticism.
  • Understand & appreciate role of major literary critics in
  • the evolution & growth of literary criticism.
  • Study & analyse the important works of major literary critics
Contemporary Literary Theory At the end of this course the students are expected to :
  • Know & understand the main themes & trends of modern literary theory.
  • Appreciate the role of literary theory in critically analysing text.
  • Understand different literary theories & apply them in diverse contexts for better interpretation of literary text.

MA English (CBCS) 2022-23

Scheme of the Course Division

Semester Subject Code Type
Semester-I DSC-MENG 101 to 102 All Compulsory
Semester-II DSC-MENG 201 to 202 All Compulsory
GE-MENG 205 Compulsory (Interdisciplinary)
Semester-III DSC-MENG 301 TO 303 All Compulsory
DSC I-MENG 304 TO 307 Elective (The students have to opt any one out of the four courses)
Semester-IV DSC-MENG 401 to 402 All Compulsory
DSC II-MENG 403 TO 404 Elective (The students have to opt any one out of the these two courses)
DSC III-MENG 405 TO 407 Elective (The students have to opt any one out of the these three courses)
GE-MENG 408 Compulsory(Interdisciplinary)


  • MA English comprises One Hundred and Four (104) Credits: (DSC-78 Credits; DSE-18 Credits; GE-8 Credits)
  • The DSE Papers/Courses 304 to 307 (Semester - III) and 403 to 404 (Semester - IV) and 405 to 407 (Semester - IV) have internal choice. The students have to opt any one out of each of them (304-307; 403-404; 403-404) respectively.
  • The students have to take two GE Papers/Courses in Semester - II and Semester - IV, offered by other Disciplines/Departments under the Scheme of Generic Elective (Interdisciplinary Choice Based Courses from other Disciplines/Departments). These papers will be of 8 Credits (4 Credits each).
  • The Marks Scheme for each papar/courser is as follows:
    Total Marks-100 (Theory 80; Internal Assessment 20).
    The Internal Assessment for Regular students will comprise: Attendance-05 Marks;
    Assignment/Presentations: 5 marks; Internal Exam-10 Marks.
    The Internal Assessment for ICDEOL candidates will comprise: 20 Marks for Assignments; and will be assessed by the Faculty of ICDEOL on the basis of assignments for each paper submitted by the candidate.
    No Internal Assessment for Private candidates (Only Theory of 100 marks)
  • A student shall have to secure at least 40 percent marks in each paper (Theory as well as Internal Assessment) to qualify the examination.

MA English CBCS (Semester-I)

Sr.No. Course Code Title of the Paper/Course Credits Theory Contact Hours (L-5Hrs.per Week/Tut.-1 Hour. per Week) Marks Scheme
DSCs Lectures (Credits) Tutorials Theory Internal Assessment
1. DSC MENG 101 History of English Literature from Chaucer to 1800 6 5 1 80 20
2. DSC MENG 102 Poetry from Chaucer to Pope 6 5 1 80 20
3. DSC MENG 103 ShakespeareandHisContemporaries 6 5 1 80 20
4. DSC MENG 104 Nineteenth Century Fiction 6 5 1 80 20
Total 24 20 4 Total Marks-100


Sr.No. Course Code Title of the Paper/Course Credits Theory Contact Hours (L-5Hrs.per Week/Tut.-1 Hour. per Week) Marks Scheme
DSCs Lectures (Credits) Tutorials Theory Internal Assessment
1. DSC MENG 201 History of English Literature Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 6 5 1 80 20
2. DSC MENG 202 Romantic and Victorian Poetry 6 5 1 80 20
3. DSC MENG 203 Modern Fiction 6 5 1 80 20
4. DSC MENG 204 Growth and Structure of English Language 6 5 1 80 20
5. GE MENG 205 Advanced Academic Writing 4 4 - 80 20
Total 28 24 4 Total Marks-100


Sr.No. Course Code Title of the Paper/Course Credits Theory Contact Hours (L-5Hrs.per Week/Tut.-1 Hour. per Week) Marks Scheme
DSC/DSEs Lectures (Credits) Tutorials Theory Internal Assessment
1. DSC MENG 301 Literary Criticism 6 5 1 80 20
2. DSC MENG 302 Modern British and American Poetry 6 5 1 80 20
3. DSC MENG 303 Modern British Drama 6 5 1 80 20
4. DSE I MENG 304-307 [Any one from the Given four options] 6 5 1 80 20
i. World Fiction (304)
ii. African Literature (305)
iii. Australian Literature (306)
iv. Canadian Literature (307)
Total 24 20 4 Total Marks-100


Sr.No. Course Code Title of the Paper/Course Credits Theory Contact Hours (L-5Hrs.per Week/Tut.-1 Hour. per Week) Marks Scheme
DSC/DSEs Lectures (Credits) Tutorials Theory Internal Assessment
1. DSC MENG 401 Contemporary Literary Theory 6 5 1 80 20
2. DSC MENG 402 Indian Writing in English 6 5 1 80 20
3. DSE II DSE MENG 403-404 [Any one from the given two options] Drama 6 5 1 80 20
i. Modern European
ii. Drama (403)
iii. American Drama(404)
4. DSE III 405-407 [Any one from the given three options] 6 5 1 80 20
i.Indian Writing in Translation (405)
ii.Literature and Gender(406)
iii.Native Writing(407)
5. GE MENG 408 Contemporary Short Fiction 4 4 - 80 20
Total 28 24 4 Total Marks-100

Total Courses: 18(DSC-13;DSE-3;GE-2).

Total Credits:104(DSC-78 Credits; DSE-18 Credits; GE-8 Credits)
Abbreviations Used: MENG=MA in English;DSC=Discipline Specific Core/Compulsory;DSE=Discipline Specific Elective;Elective=Open Choice/Optional Course;GE=Generic Elective

Programme Outcomes(MA English (CBCS) 2022-23)

MA English Programme proposes to offer an overview of disparate literatures that have been produced spatio-temporally in various languages and genres. The purpose is to facilitate a detailed study of the established classics and acknowledged masterpieces across the world, commencing from the fourteenth century, when English as a language was acknowledged and appreciated at par with Latin and French. The programme targets to develop an understanding of the theoretical and critical perspectives covered under different genres of literature so as to impart knowledge of the historical background of English literature with its continuing influence in the subsequent eras. The students are trained to develop analytical and critical propositions to strengtaen the requisite acuity in the field of research.

The programme intends to develop comprehensive insights into the cultural nuances and experiential livings of numerous societies across the globe, The programme comprises literature and a significant component of linguistics to groom and nurture the students into competent assets, employable in multiple avenues that a spesialization in English opens up in the professional world. The course attempts to inculcate the principles of “gender sensitivicy,” “social responsibility,” “community service” and “national pride.” which are the underlining tenets of thus programme.

Programme Specific Outcomes:

MA English Programme specifically aspires to inculcate the following in the students:

  • Acquaintance with the writers and theorists of different ages across the world along with their concerns, ideas and perspectives.
  • Application of the knowledge of language and literature in different spheres cf life.
  • A critical acumen to analyse and evaluate the scholarly works of English Literature.
  • Interpersonal skills and ethical values for the holistic development of the students.
  • Expertise in writing and oratory skills in a variety of formats, such as articles, essays, critical reviews of literary texts, debates, declamations, panel discussions and seminar presentations.

Dr. Rakesh Rana

Associate Professor

View Profile

Dr. Mahi Yogesh

Associate Professor

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Mr. Ajay Kumar

Assistant professor

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Richa Ahluwalia

Assistant Professor

View Profile


workshop on Research Methodology

workshop on Research Methodology


Invited Lectures

Interactive session for MA English for the preparation of NET

Online Workshop on functioning of Language Lab

Career Counseling


Departmental meetings 2023-24

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MA English Time Table 2nd and 4th Sem. 2023-24

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Invited Lecture by Dr. Devenkya Thakur

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Notice Regarding Career counseling Session

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Notice For guidance regarding prepration of NET (MA English 1st and 3rd Semester Only)

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Notice For MA English 1st and 3rd Semester

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M.A.English syllabus CBCS w.e.f. 2022-23   Download
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B.A. with English syllabus ( Yearly Programme)w.e.f. 2018-19   Download
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M.A. English syllabus w.e.f. 2007   Download
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Students Progression 2023-24   Download

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