राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++


OSA GC Kullu Constitution (Click here to download)

Old Students Asociation (OSA)

GC Kullu Old Student Association had been registered in May 2016. The association has 150 registered members and it acts as a forum to establish a link with the old students of the college for exchange of ideas and views on educational, cultural and social matters. The alumni arrange and collect funds for the development of the college, arrange lectures of prominent ex-students who have excelled in different fields, participate in career counselling sessions etc. The executive body comprises of patron (the principal of the college), president, vice president, secretary (nominated), joint secretary, treasurer (nominated), Elected executive members (max 3) and co-opted executive members (max 3 nominated). The term of the existing governing body is for 3 years. But the executive members are eligible for reelection/co-option or they can be allowed to continue for one more term as decided in the general house.

OSA Establishment (Click here to download)

Aims and Objectives

  • To create, foster and maintain union, friendship and fellowship among the old students of the college.
  • To encourage and foster the interest of the old students in the present-day activities and aspirations of the college.
  • To provide inspiration and guidance to the students of the college, through the experience and achievements of the old student.
  • To fund scholarships, and awards and promote any other object of college interest and usefulness.
  • Any other objectives the Executive and General Body may deem fit in the interest of the College.

Executive Members of OSA (2022 onwards)

Sr. No. Name Designation Mobile No.
1 Dr. Gaurav Bhardwaj President 9418050080
2 Sh. Anil Ralli  Vice-President 9418091498
3 Sunny Thakur Secretary 9805777757
4 Sh. Hari (Bharti) Singh Jt. Secrartary 9814104812
5 Dr. Thakur Singh Treasurer 7018651809

Elected Executive Members

Sr. No. Name Mobile No.
1 Mrs. Sucheta Negi 9816501742
2 Prof. Saurav Bhardwaj 9816219007
3 Sh. Sanjeev Sharma 9816060309

Co-opted Executive Members

Sr. No. Name Mobile No.
1 Dr. Rakesh Rana
2 Prof. Jyoti Charan Chauhan
3 Sagar Sood 9816229600

Advisory Board

Sr. No. Name Mobile No.
1 Prof. Yash Pal Mahant 9418045767
2 Sh. P.D. Azad 8219863449
3 Dr. Surat Ram Thakur 9816399807
4 Dr. Sujata Rashpa 9418291284
5 Dr. Binta Thakur 9418466451

Executive Members of OSA (2019-2022)

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Y.P. Mahant President
2 Sh. P.D. Azad  Vice-President
3 Dr. Surat Ram Thakur Gen. Secretary
4 Sh. Deepak Kullawi Jt.Secrartary
5 Prof. R.P. Sharma  Executive member
6 Sh. Anil Ralli  Executive member
7 Dr. Ursem Lata Executive member
8 Smt. Sucheta Negi  Executive member
9 Prof. Roshan  Executive member
10 Prof. N.S Thakur  Executive member
11 Mrs. Kumud Sharma Executive member
12 Dr. Sujata  Executive member
13 Sh. Hari Bhandari Executive member
14 Dr. Nirmala Executive member

Executive Members of OSA (2016-2019)

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Y.P. Mahant President
2 Sh. P.D. Azad  Vice-President
3 Sh. Deepak Kullawi Jt.Secrartary
4 Prof. R.P. Sharma  Executive member
5 Sh. Anil Ralli  Executive member
6 Smt. Sucheta Negi  Executive member
7 Prof. Roshan  Executive member
8 Prof. N.S Thakur  Executive member

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