राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++

Department of Tourism & Travel Management

Name of the department : Tourism
Year of establishment BA Tourism: 1999
Year of establishment MTTM : 2022
No. of Teaching posts sanctioned : 03
No. of Teaching posts filled : 02
No. of Vacant Teaching post : 01

Course structure: B.A. in tourism & Travel Management (Annual System w.e.f. 2019-20 onwards)

Year/Semester Course Type Course Code Course Title Credit
1st year Compulsory English Hindi/ MIL-1 6
Compulsory English Hindi/ MIL-2 6
Core TTMC102 Tourism Resources of India 6
Core TTMC101 Introduction to Travel and Tourism Management 6
DSC- 2A Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
DSC- 2B Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
AECC Hindi / English 4
AECC Environmental Science 4
2nd year Compulsory English Hindi/ MIL-3 6
Compulsory English Hindi/ MIL-3 6
Core TTMC201 Travel Agency & Tour Operations 6
Core TTMC204 Tourism Organizations & Associations 6
DSC- 2C Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
DSC- 2D Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
SEC-1(Choose any one) TTMC202 Tourism Marketing 4
TTMC203 Tourism Logistic Support Services
SEC -2 TTMC205 Field Tour (Compulsory) 4
3rd year Core TTMC301 Tourism Guiding/ Escort Services 6
Core TTMC306 Leadership Development Program 6
DSC- 2A Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
DSC- 2B Geography, Economics, Phy Education, Sanskrit 6
SEC-3(Choose any one) TTMC302 Accounting Skills for Tourism Business 4
TTMC303 Transport Service in Tourism
SEC-4(Choose any one) TTMC307 Skilling for Media and Journalism in Tourism 4
TTMC308 Hotel & Resort Management
GE-1(Choose any one) TTMC304 Researching for Hospitality & Tourism Management 6
TTMC305 Tourism Impacts
GE-2(Choose any one) TTMC309 Writing Skills for Tourism 6
TTMC310 Project Work
Total Credits 132

Program Objective :

  • To make student aware about the tourism and different activities related to tourism.
  • To make student aware about the different tourism products of India (in the world too upto some extent).
  • To provide knowledge about the cultural heritage of India.
  • To make students familiar about the different formalities for opening a travel agency, hotel, home stay, camping site etc.
  • To educate student to start their own tourism related enterprises.
  • To educated students to join in travel agency/ tour operator jobs.
  • To train students for future tourism studies like MTTM.

Program Outcomes:

This tourism degree provides a vast knowledge for learners. After competing it some students opts for higher education in Tourism as MTTM, some joins travel agencies, hotels etc. Some students goes towards mountaineering education (practical) as they do Basic, Advance and Methods of instructions courses from different Mountaineering institutes of India. The tourism degree in BA is divided into three years. These are as follows:-

1st Year

  • TTMC 101: Introduction of Travel and Tourism Management: - This subjects deals with basics of Tourism which includes types, forms and definition of Tourism, Demand and Supply in tourism, tourism typologies, cite and airport codes of tourism interest.
  • TTMC 102: Tourism Resources of India: - This subjects deals with different available man - made and natural tourism resources of India. It includes National Parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, fairs and Festivals cuisines etc.

2nd Year

  • TTMC 201: Travel Agency and Tour Operations: - This subject provides the inclusive knowledge about how a travel agency and tour operator work. It also discusses about the different formality requires for opening of a travel agency.
  • TTMC 204: Tourism Organizations & Associations: - This subject covers the information about the different travel related originations of the world. It also deals with the adventure tourism business and the case studies of different mountaineering institutes of the India.
  • TTMC 202: Tourism Marketing: - This subject focuses on the marking part of tourism products. It provides useful information that how one can pitch their products in the market and earn their livelihood.
  • TTMC 205: Field Tour: - Field tour as a compulsory part of the degree provides practical knowledge of present tourism industry. It is the platform where student can learn many aspects of industry like how to book a railway ticket, how to book a room in hotel, check-in formalities, dining table disciplines, payments related issues and many others. At the end of the tour as students are required to submit a report on different part of the tour.

3rd Year

  • TTMC 301: Tourism Guiding/ Escort Services: - This subject deals with guiding and Escort aspects of travel industry. The study of this subject covers different type of guides, escorts, their behavior, body language, communication skills etc. if also focuses on the training related formalities of guides.
  • TTMC 303: Transport Service in Tourism: - Under this subject’s student learn about different types of transport available to tourists and natives too. Railway ticket booking is also a part of this subject where students are trained to make online railway ticket bookings.
  • TTMC 306: Leadership Development Program: - As a compulsory nature of paper Leadership Development Program focuses on outdoor travel skill development of the students. Under this paper a minimum 10days trekking is organized to different locations where students learn about some basic aspects of mountains like tent pitching, tent folding, cooking, cleaning of trek route, basic rock climbing, rappelling, knot making, map reading, do and don’t in mountains and other.
  • TTMC 308: Hotel & Resort Management: - This subject provides useful information about hotel and resort industry of today’s tourism world. It includes information about different categories of hotels and resort, registration formalities’ of a hotel, resort, camping site, home stay, bed and breakfast site etc.
  • TTMC 305: Tourism Impacts (GE):- Tourism has both positive and negative impacts on to economy, nature, socio – cultural, cultural, educational level etc. This subjects focuses on such issue that how one can tackle these. The main aim of this subject of to maximize the befits of tourism and minimize the negative impacts.
  • TTMC 310: Project Work:- :- Projects work improves the research and analytical skills of a student. Under this course each students has assigned separate topic related to culture, heritage, adventure tourism, spiritual tourism, eco tourism, sustainable tourism etc. Project contains vast study about specific areas (which are assigned to students). Project contains interviews about study area, questionnaire in relation to study topic. In the end each student submits a detailed report about the project.

Course Outcome:

The tourism degree in BA is divided into three years. Each year student learns about different aspects of tourism.

Outcome of First Year
In the first year of the Tourism BA study a student learns about what is tourism and how it is different from other professions. It this year student learns about the different man –made and natural tourism products of India.
Outcome of Second Year
In the Second year of the Tourism BA study a student learns about travel agency and tour operation. After completing second year student is able to start a travel agency, make good itineraries with their costing, brochure designing etc.
Outcome of Third Year
In the Third year of the Tourism BA study a student learns about guiding business in tourism, hotel and train ticket booking formalities etc. After completing last year of their BA Tourism degree a student can book a train ticket, hotel room. Students can also start their own camp sites, adventure tour operation and hotel units.

Subject Specific Outcomes:

BA Tourism degree consist Field tour and LDC as special courses where students visit the places and learn the basic of practical travel industry. Under paper No TTMC 205 Field tour firstly learns about how to design an itinerary, than its costing, than booking and then final execution of the tour. During the tour students are responsible for making bus booking for site seeing, arranging monument entry tickets, sometimes arrangement of accommodation at certain places too. In the end of the tour students have to submit a detailed report of the tour.
Paper No TTMC 306 Leadership Development Camp deals with the trekking and mountain skills of students. Under this course student learns about how to live at a place for 7-8 days without electricity and other modern facilities. This course is designed to make student aware about the practical trekking training, to tackle with different jungle and mountain hazards etc.

Program Specific Outcomes:

After completing the degree student can start their own trekking travel business and they also can run the educational tour program to different colleges or schools.


  • Educational tour of the duration of a minimum of 10 days is part of BA, Tourism course curriculum under papers no TTMC 205 and MTTM 513.
  • Leadership Development Camp (LDC) is a part of the Tourism course curriculum under papers no TTMC 306 and MTTM 515. The duration of this course is 10 days.
  • The Tourism department organizes World Tourism Day on 27 Sept each year.


Assistant Professor

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Tarun Thakur

Assistant professor

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World Tourism Day 2023


Meeting regarding Feb 2024 Tour

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VIVA VOCE of MTTM 3rd Semester Students

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